1889Prospect Street Church | Cambridge Press, Volume XXIV, Number 11, 15 June 1889
Mr. Stoyau X. Yatralsky of Bulgaria, gave interesting addresses at the missionary concert June 7, aud at Steams Chapel, June li. In the the morning of last Sunday—Children’s Day—there was an address to children on „The Lord is my Shepherd,“ and a sermon to young people (closing a monthly scries of nine on““Success in Life,“) from Kph“. 4: 18, on „Full-grown Manhood in Christ.“ Iv the evening there was a delightful floral Sunday-scliojl concert, with an [excellent address by Secretary Whitford. The audiences were large, and the church was beautifully decorated with flowers. At the prayer meeting last night Mr. Wyinan repeated his Congregational Club Paper on „How to Enlist Men in the Active Service of the Church.“ Tbe annual church and Sunday-school picnic occurs at Lily Point Grove, Waltbam, today.
