methodistMETHODIST CONFERENCE | Cambridge Chronicle, Volume XX, Number 13, 1 April 1865
N. X. CoMKKItKNC’K OK THK M. E. CIIURCII. —Thu «ixty– annual mifafl of tbfl twlj opened in the Methodist Church on Harvard street on Wednesday morning last anil continued during the remainder of the week. Wallop O. C. linker presided, aud X. A. Manning, of South BottOD, V«a reelected Secretary, and W: D. 1-ridge wan chosen Assistant Secretary. The attendance waa large, including quite a number Of viaitprs from the New Hampshire, Vermont, and Providence Conferences, and the business transacted waa Of much importance to the denomination. Tlie Truatee. presented a report through the Treasurer, A. I). Savgeant, including among other items, the memoranda of a leg. acy ol $080 recently left hy Misa Eliza llasteen, of Portland, formerly of MeUficld, for investment in bibles, tracts, &.:., to be distributed among poor protestants in the West. A circular was received from the General Conference of the M. E. Church, which held its session in Philadelphia in May last, containing certain resolutions, recommending the amendment of the general rule on slavery, so that it shall read, “ slaveholding, buying or selling slaves,“ &c, nnd the suspension ot the second Restrictive Rule for that purpose. These resolutions were adopted unanimously. Circular, were received and read from the Sunday School Union and the Tract Society Of the M. E. Church, showing the total number of Sunday Schools to he 13,338—Teachers 150,672 —Scholars 881,202—-volumes in libraries, 2,584,–760—number of of tracts printed during the year, 14,404,(100—income, $12,010,0J—expenditures, $12,017,41–army appropriations, 90,602.96. Betide, this, libeial- appropriations have been made to India, Germany, Bulgaria, and China. The 18th Annual Keport of the Faculty ami Treasurer of the M. G Biblical Institute.Concord, N. 11., were read aud rehired to the usual Committees. These reports set forth that the Society is in a very excellent condition, being entirely free from debt, with the exception of tome $3,000 due the Professors for arrears ot salaries, which it is de sirablc should be paid. Eitty-onc Students have been admitted. A statement was presented which sets torth the present financial condition and future prospects ol the Wesleyan University, Middletown, Ct. At the last commencement of this Institution, a goo I friend, to whom the Institute is already indebted for more than 545,000, offered to give to the Institute a library building to cost not less than §25,000, as soon as a library „fund of $25,–000 is collected and paid into the treasury. The Annual Keport of the Hook Committee, _o Kxhibit of the Methodist Hook Concern, at N. V., was presented, read aud filed. By the report it itshown that the condition of the Concern is at follows: Soft! Estate, $01,333.44. • Gash, $17,–705.10. Merchandise and Bindery, 5382.110.20. Notes and Hook Accounts, $100,004.05 Total AtMttij 6052,140 09, Liabilities* $105,03205. Nctt Capital Stock, $547,117.94. Profits, for 11 months ending Nuv. 80, 1804, $57,840.32, of which there has been expended, $38,520.20. — Leaving balance of 1§19,829 03 to be added to capital stock. Report of Preacher’s Aid Society received. Hy the Treasurer’s Keport, it was bliowu that the receipts* have been $4,801.00. Ualauce last year, $888.07. Paid out during tlie year, $4,288.87. The Presiding Elders of the various Districts, reported their several charges aa, lieing in a very favorable condition and prosperous, and spoke hopefully of their future prospects. The statistics also exhibit a position of affiiirs highly en. couraging both as regards spiritual and financial matters. The report of the Examining Committee hay, ing boon favorable, the following named were raised to the rank of elders : Rev. Sanford B. Sweetser, George Whitaker, Thos. C. Potter, N. F. Stevens, J. H. Owens, and I*. M. Vinton. A large number of candidates, who have been on trial and probation, were passed upon, and admitted to full connection, and still others, were at their own request, continued on trial. The examination of deacons was an interesting feature of the conference, a lnrgc number bring found worthy and well qualified. The following have died since last year : Roy. Epaphras Kibby, Clis. Baker, Chester Field. Revs. B Otheman, .) C. Ingalls, J. O. Dadmun, 11. Hi Loud, and G. W. Mansfield were, at theirown request,made supernumerary, without appointments. A large number of superannuated and disabled preachers, have their present relations continued. The arrangements for the transaction of the affairs of the Conference, have been as follows : Conference meets for business at 84;, A. M., and adjourns at 12 M., for dinner and intermission. The afternoons and evenings have been devoted to preaching and other religious services, which have been very largely attended hy ladies and citizens generally. The sermon on Wednesday evening was by Key. I. .1 P. Onllvei, nf fak wich, from the 13th and 14th verses of the 11th chap, of Romans. Ou Thursday afternoon, by special invitation, Rev. Prof. Lewis, formerly of Cincinnati, Ohio, preached a very excellent discourse from the 21st chap, of Paul’s Ist epistle to the Phillipians, 21st verse. Thursday evening, Rev. W. S. Stndley, of Iloston, preached from Ihe text found iv the Ist epistle of Paul to Timothy, oth chap. 7th verse. Friday afternoon, Rev. Daniel Dorchester, of Charlostown, delivered the Annual Missionary Sermon, taking as his text Joshua 13th chap. Ist verse, and set forth the need of Home Missions. Friday erening, Missionary services were held, during which Rev. Drs. L. D. Harrows, E. Cooke, and J. Cuminings delivered able addresses. Elsewhere will be found the assignments for preaching to-morrow, and in our next number, we shall give those for Cambridge for the ensuing year.