BazarBazar of Mission Nations.
The Bazar of Mission Nations at the Charlea River Chapel proved a success in every respect. The booths representing the various nations presented a very beautiful appearance, handsomely trimmed and decorated with -national colors; the costumes were correct and many of them elegant, and the whole reflected much credit on the large number of young gentlemen and ladies engaged In It. The chorus of forty voices under the leadership of Mrs. Richmond, rendered a brief programme of select music each evening with line, effect; recitations were given by ten young ladles in national costume; and on Wednesday evening Mr. N. J. Shoomkoff of Bulgaria give an interesting lecture on Turkey and ulgaria. The nations with their representatives were as follows. — Turkey—Mr. BenJ. Unison; Fred Sawyer; Miss Alice Apnlegate; Miss Mabel Evans, Burmah—Miss LenaTowle; Miss Georgle Kills; Eddie Sawyer; Mr. Babbitt; Mr. Greenyear. China—Miss Mattie Hall; Miss Gertie Smith; Miss Sadie Tout; Mr. (.’has. Cummings. Egypt—Miss Ella Dodge; Miss I.lz/.le Lowe. Hlndostan—Misses Ethel Evans, Mabel Clark, Carrie Kirbyl, Tliiirr.iiPolley. Persia—Miss HattleGreenleaf; Miss Cora Fowle; Mr. Archie Waugh. Japan—Miss Ida Willard; Mlss Sadie Hatch; Moltle Adams. Slam—Miss Hattie Parrock; Miss Grace Hatch. Russia—Miss Clara Whitney; Miss I.lllle Jewett,. Spain —Miss Mabel Uiggins; Miss Bertha Eld- ‘ ridge. Karen—Misses Laura Lyman; ‘ Jennie Lyman: Mary Yeamans. Italy— i Miss Carrie Hall; Mr. Harry Maynard. Greece—Miss Annie Turner; Miss Mabel White. France—Miss Ida Tobcy; Miss i Seton Parrock. Germany—Miss I.mile | Evans: Mr. Herbert Green leaf. Indian— ‘ Miss Maud Maynard; Mr. Avery Gore. Mexico—Miss Ida Benson; Mr. Frank Day- , is. Sweden—Miss Jessie Jewett; Miss Cora Parker; Mr. Harry Walker.
