Meeting and interaction of cultures: the Clarks, American missionary family, and the Bulgarian environment from the 19th to the 20th centuries Rumen and George Genov New Bulgarian University and Harvard University Interactions and influences between cultures go on different roads and in different ways. They are a constant phenomenon in the history, but they are activated particularly in the […]
Articles Tagged: the
The Miss Stone Affair The First American Captured for Ransom on Foreign Soil
д-р Абърт Лонг: Pittsburgh Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church
Кратка биографична справка за д-р Абърт Лонг от издание на Методистката епископална църква. (Official minutes of the Pittsburgh Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Beaver Falls, PA, 1901). Изявление на д-р А. Лонг, описващо службата му в България.
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