The Son of a Bulgarian Emigrant That Changed The World

The Son of a Bulgarian Emigrant That Changed The World

by Daniel Montiglio We want to share with you a touching true history that crosses three generations and two continents. This is one of those stories where the reality is much richer and interesting than any movie script and can be used for us to understand, how from a tragic history episode can be the seed […]

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The Bulgarian Evangelical Society

The Bulgarian Evangelical Society

The Bulgarian Evangelical Society (1875-1958) and its contribution to the development of Protestantism in Bulgaria Simone Flad; Christof Sauer; Kristina Popova1 Department of Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology, University of South Africa, Pretoria ABSTRACT The Bulgarian Evangelical Society (BES) was the first organised initiative of Bulgarian Evangelical Christians to take part in evangelising the […]

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The Clarks, American missionary family, and the Bulgarian environment

The Clarks, American missionary family, and the Bulgarian environment

Meeting and interaction of cultures: the Clarks, American missionary family, and the Bulgarian environment from the 19th to the 20th centuries Rumen and George Genov New Bulgarian University and Harvard University Interactions and influences between cultures go on different roads and in different ways. They are a constant phenomenon in the history, but they are activated particularly in the […]

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