AMONG THE CHURCHES | Cambridge Chronicle, Volume 44, Number 2246, 9 March 1889 NllltlU AV-..1-K UKTUIIIII-r cill’llCll. Next Sunday morning a Missionary service will be held in thii church. The pastor, Key. (1. 11. (‘honey will preaoh and Key W. C. Kituheu, P. 11. I)., a returned iui..!ouary will make brief remarks. Next Sunday evening […]
Articles Tagged: bulgaria
Rev.D.N. Furnajieff pastor of a self-supporting Congregational church in Sofia, Bulgaria and president of the Bulgarian Evangelical Society – 1923
Cambridge Chronicle, 10 March 1923 The service was thoroughly enjoyable to an audience that filled the edifice. At the North Congregational church Sunday morning the congregation was favored with an address by Rev. D. N. Furnajieff. pastor of a self-supporting Congregational church in Sofia, Bulgaria, and president of the Bulgarian Evangelical society. The speaker is […]
Paul B. Mojzes: A History of the Congregational and Methodist Churches in Bulgaria and Yougoslavia
Publication Details
Автор: Paul B. Mojzes
Boston University, 1965
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