shoomkoffAMONG THE CHURCHES | Cambridge Chronicle, Volume 44, Number 2246, 9 March 1889
NllltlU AV-..1-K UKTUIIIII-r cill’llCll. Next Sunday morning a Missionary service will be held in thii church. The pastor, Key. (1. 11. (‘honey will preaoh and Key W. C. Kituheu, P. 11. I)., a returned iui..!ouary will make brief remarks. Next Sunday evening a temperance service will he held and Key. George 11. Cheney will .peak on the Prohibitory Constitutional Amend meut. The Ladies Society met at the home of Mrs. Johnson, No. _i Wullace street, Thursday evening to make arrangement, for au eiilei laiiiuicni to be given noun. Last Sunday muriiilig the Sacrament of thu’s Supper v. us administered aud five new member, were received into (he church. Thu pastor delivered Ihe eight lecture 111 the series last Sunday evening ou „Va.iiiy Fair,“ after the lecture a prayer meeting waa held. The Young People’s meeting Sunday evening hi ti.;;ti o’oluvk will he led by Mr. 11. 0, Hitchcock. The Young People*! Christian League did not eieut others Wednesday evening as the rain kept many of the member, away. Probably at the next meeting the election will take place. _____ M. X. llll’ltl’li. Key. N. 11. Fisk, preached a searching sermon Sunday morning at Grace Church on „The Sill of Achan“ Joshua vii:l.l; after which a large number partook of the communion. Key. Joshua Gill preached to a large congregation at Grace Church Monday evening, after which a most impressive alter service, were held. The ladie. of Grace church held their annual meeting Wedneaday afternoon. A sociable and brief entertainment was given in the evening. Tbe pastor will officiate Sunday morning. nnoAiiway nAil tsi i.-iitncn. At the conclusion of the aermon last Sunday morning the pastor baptised one young man. At the evening service, Mr. S. J. Shoomkoff of Bulgaria, spoke on „Lite in Bulgaria.“ Mr. Shoomkoff is pursuing a course of theological studies at tlie Newton Seminary. He spoke especially, on this occasion, of the political, physical, social and religious condition of hi. native land. His relation of his own conversion and consequent expulsion from his father’s home waa peculiarly touching and impressive. He is prepariug to return and preach the Gospel to bis countrymen. Services tomorrow will be held at the usual hours. The annual meeting of the Ladies’ Missionary Society will be held next Tuesday afternoon. Tea will be aerved at 0 o’clock and the gentlemeu are invited. In the evening a social service will be enjoyed together with a short entertainment and addresses by the pastor aud others. IMIOSPECT -THKKT (TIUHCTI. The fourth anniversary of the Young People’s Society ot Christian Endeavor of this church, will be observed next Sunday evening, taking the place of the regular Suuday evening service. I’ll.lllllM -Ill’ltl’ll. Key. J. B.Dunn will preach morning and afternoon. lITIIKK SERVICES. . Key. James Keed will preach at the church of (he New Jerusalem. Koberts Hall, Brattle square, next Sunday at 4 P. M.