The Bulgarian Evangelical Society (1875-1958) and its contribution to the development of Protestantism in Bulgaria

The Bulgarian Evangelical Society (BES) was the first orga-nised initiative of Bulgarian Evangelical Christians to take part in evangelising the Bulgarian people. Founded in 1875, the BES survived several wars and internal problems, until it was dissolved by the Communist regime in 1958. Apart from prin-ting and distributing literature and providing financial aid to preachers […]

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Жените в протестантските мисии и модернизацията на Балканите

Жените в протестантските мисии и модернизацията на Балканите

Barbara Reeves-Ellington, Domestic Frontiers. Gender, Reform, and American Interventions in the Ottoman Balkans and the Near East. Amherst and Boston: University of Massachusetts Press, 2013, 214 р. Българската история и култура от ХІХ в. е област, която отдавна привлича вниманието на много изследователи, значителна част от източниците са изследвани, натрупани са и немалко интерпретации. В […]

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