Глава 13: Април 1989 г. – Джон Ноер от Дания През месец април на 1989 г. в България дойде пастор Джон Ноер от Дания. Той е бил на остров Патмос, където Йоан е имал преживяванията, записани в книгата “Откровение”. Там заедно със своя екип постил три дни. След третия ден Бог му казал да дойде […]
Category: Личности
Cambridge Chronicle, 3 March 1923 SPEAKER FROM EUROPE AT NORTH CONGREGATIONAL Rev. D. N. Fnrnajieff, of Sofia, Bulgaria, who is to speak Sunday morning nt the North Congregntionnl church, ia pastor of a large self-supporting Protestant church in that city. He represents the Protestant churches before the government in Sofia nnd is the president of […]
Vatralsky lectures on Bulgaria at Prospect Street Church – 1893
Cambridge Chronicle, Volume XLVIII, Number 45, 11 November 1893 PROSPECT STREET CHURCH: Mr. Stoyan K. Vatralsky, the Bulgarian student nt Harvard, will lecture in the chapel of the Prospect Street church next Thursday evening, under the auspices of the Y. P. S. C. E. on „Bulgaria.“ NORTH AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH: The society held a very enjoyable social […]
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