bulgariaCambridge Tribune, Volume XLVI, Number 35, 27 October 1923

Women at Work and at Play
Develops the Speaking Voice for Lecturing—Assistant to Throat Specialists
Mrs. Ruggles’ card in the Tribune reads, „May Sleeper Ruggles, teacher of voice, singing and speaking, voice development and restoration, studio 54 Langdon street, Cambridge, teacher of voice at the Episcopal Theological School.“ The card serves her best as a directory, for Mrs. Ruggles feeis that those in her line of work should he sought most especially through the recommendation of those who have weighed her work and found it good. Although Mrs. Ruggles is a teacher of singing and receives pupils at her studio, she is\very enthusiastic over a line of her work
m hicb is more unique. It is ihe development of the speaking voice for preaching and lecturing, through singing. It differs from elocution and public speaking courses ill’ that i! seeks Only to bring the voice to its fullest stage of ..perfection in range, and power. I ohuild up voices by eliminating strain, and to strengthen the vocal organs. Mrs. I.’u-gh . has had among her pupils many prominent clergymen, speakers, and educators. She finds her work most inspiring! for it seems; t her to be a greater thing to teach ni’ n to use their voices for the good of the world than to teach songs only. Along this line of work’ Mrs. Ruggles has been appointed the teacher of voice in the Episcopal Theological school ill this city. The instruction is ‘.individual, lessons being taken once-a week in half hour periods. The student’s voice is exercised and strengthened, by proper use, for the demands thai will come upon il later. Mis, Ruggles method is observation and constructive work. She often attends a church service, which one of her pupils has in charge, to study his voice more Thoroughly. Her cirthusiaisni for her work met wiih appreciation and a responsive enthusiasm on the pari of her pupils’. This i- attested to by the fact that soiiie of her pupils engage in supplementary private work with her Before being called to this city, for work in the school. .Mrs. Ruggles gave private lessons in singing ill the Pierce Building in Boston, where she has a studio. Besides her service at the school Mrs. Ruggles is an assistant to two throat specialists in Boston. Dr. 1) Crosby-Greene and Dr. H. L. : loodale. This work requires painstaking attention. Mis. Ruggles conies from an inteu’sting family, a family of musicians, a family who have worked for the uplifting of the world. Her father, William T. Sleeper, an An dover man. was city missionary in Worcester, He earned his education by teaching singing schools. lie is especially interesting iroin the fact thai he composed several of tin hymns in Moody and SatlKcy’s collections. He was a personal friend of Mr. Sankey. A brother. William Washburn Sleeper, now pastor of the Maver-
ick church of Kast Boston, was [or 19 years pastor of the Wcllesley Congregational church. He gave up that work to become a worker in the Massachusetts Missionary Society. He was always! interested in missionary work. Before going to Wcllesley be was a missionary in Bulgaria.’ He is also a fine musician. r Professor H. D. Sleeper who for over 25 years has been much esteemed as a professor of music at Smith collge, is also a brother ol Mrs. Ruggles. Mrs. Ruggles has a ,on who IS a senior at Harvard. Theodore Sleeper Ruggles. He is a member of the college choir, the Harvard Glee Club, and is business manager of the Pierian orchestra. Mrs. Ruggles is herself a \\ edesley graduate. If in no other way she has a claim to having carved her name in the hall of fame, she should be remembered as the author of the first AVellesley Cheer, than which there is no college yell so eupbonous. Mrs. Ruggles has many engagements to sing at special services. For example tomorrow night she will give a song service at l.ascll S’ miliary, in Auburndale. Her musical education has extended over many years and under numerous instructors, the best she has been able to find. Besides her son Mrs. Ruggles has a daughter who lives in New Bed ford. She play- the cello and is a singer. The mail brings many letters to Mis. Ruggles. which she must heartily enjoy, from former pupils who are still appreciative of the work she has done for them.
May Sleeper Ruggles