Congregational; Garden Street.

Tho sacrament of the Lord’s supper was administered last Sunday afternoon. A number of persons were received into tho fellowship of the church. Tho annual gift meeting of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary society was held Wednesday afternoon. Dr. McKen–7.1e made an address. The latter part of the afternoon was spent socially and tea w its se rv cd. Books and other gifts will soon be sent out to S. X. Vatrolsky, a member of the church and alliance, who is working among his countrymen In Sofia, Bulgaria. The January number of the Round Table appeared last Sunday. Tho annual meeting of the church will be held In two or three weeks. The treasurers of all societies are asked to send their reports for the past year at once to Oeo. S. Saunders, treasurer of the church. . . ,_ The Knights of King Arthar held a business meeting last Monday night. The Young People’s Alliance entered, last Sunday, upon a new year of life and work, and the new officers and committees entered upon their duties. Four new members wero received Into the alliance at the meeting last Sunday night. The subject for the meeting tomorrow night Is „True Reverence,“ Ex. 3; 1-6; Ps 139: «-12; Mark 11: 15-18. Next Wednesday at 7.50. the alliance will conduct the weekly v-. h.. meeting for sailors at the rooms of the Boston Seaman’s Friend society, 287 Hanover street. It I. hoped that a large number of alliance members will go In to the meeting. Those who go will be at Harvard square at «.40. _■“_.’__■_! Tomorrow evening at 7.30 In the chapel. Rev. Cay. -uigl Angellrrl, pastor of the Waldenslan church at Forano, Italy, will make an address, and will tell of his conversion from Romanism, and of his life and work for the last thirty years. The new executive committee of the alliance held a meeting Tuesday evenlntt. and transacted considerable business and discussed the work of the society for the coming year. The new prayer service committee has already met; the missionary committee met Wednesday evening: the lookout committee will meet next Tuesday night; and the social committee alao will «oon hold a meeting.