
Cambridge Chronicle, Volume XLVIII, Number 45, 11 November 1893
northPROSPECT STREET CHURCH: Mr. Stoyan K. Vatralsky, the Bulgarian student nt Harvard, will lecture in the chapel of the Prospect Street church next Thursday evening, under the auspices of the Y. P. S. C. E. on „Bulgaria.“

NORTH AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH: The society held a very enjoyable social Thursday evening, a large number being present. The Hrst part of the evening was given to selections by a male quartetteMessrs Hilton, Fletcher, Johnson and Fairelough—who were well received. A piano solo by Miss Ethel Chase was highly appreciated, and au encore was Insisted upon. Mr Smith, the pastor, then made a few happy remarks. Mr Fletcher’s vocal selection and Mr Johnson’s banjo solo were much enjoyed. In the latter jwirt of theevening the gentlemen turned milliners, aud their efforts iv that lino occasioned much merriment. It was voted by the young ladies present that Mr (Quick’s artistic reproduction of the latest Farisian style was just too lovely for anything. He fears that he will have so many orders that he will be unable to serve his patrons as promptly as he would like.