furnCambridge Tribune, Volume XLVI, Number 1, 3 March 1923
NORTH CONGREGATIONAL (Massachusetts Avenue at Roseland street. Key. Lawrence R. Howard, pastor.)
10.30 a. m., morning worship, with Celebration 01 the Lord’s Supper and address by Key. D. N. Furnajieff, pa-tor of the largest church in Sofia, Bulgaria, a graduate of Princeton t’niversity, who comes back lo this country in behalf of a. better understanding and larger cooperation with bis native land. 13::lo. Sunday School. 4:30, Vesper• service in the vestry. The pastor will speak on „The Mi rciful.“ the fourth of the scries of addresses on The Beatitudes. 5:30, Christian Endeavor: subject, „The Refuge Psalm,“ Ps. 91. Monday, 6:30, the North Cam-
bridge Federation of Church Societies will hold their first Federation Supper at the North Avenue Baptist Church. Wednesday, 7 :45, mid-week service, subject, „The Ministry of Love.“ Thursday, 8:00, Community Course Entertainment; Beatrice Herford will appear in her original Monologues, following a;, organ recital at 7:30 by W. li. Sache. Miss Herford’s work receives the highest praise wherever she has been.
