1914Cambridge Chronicle, 21 November 1914
This evening, at 7.30, at the Y. M. C. •A., Rev. D. !*. Furnajleff. Princeton, ‘X, will speak on „The Present fWlar In the l.kcht of the Balkan Wars.“ In. .Furnajleff Is pastor of th* BvsngeUcst church, of Sofia. Bulgaria, and la touring Amerlcß under trie auspices of th» committee to promote frlendlyi relation, among foreign students and the commission on peace and ertdtratlon ot the federal oouncll of the churches of Christ in America. During the recent Balkan war. Pastor Furnajleff had a special peimll to move freely Miroughout the field of conflict. This g*ve Hilm an exceptional opportunity to see tine effects of war st close range. In the lla-ht of which, and because of Ms brosd knowledge of European relationships, he Is shie to furnish an interpretation of the present stru«gl» and Its tragic consequences, which is sure to command an attentive hearing. An Kdlscn phonogrsph concert will be given st T.IR. All men over M are Invited, whether memliers of the association or not. The association la anxious to have a large audience to hear Dr. Fiirnajieft“* presentation from the viewpoint of a man who la fsmlUar with present Kim-pcan condition*, and whose object la to hehp In tihe caUhllatiiaent of Justice and good will In International relations.