ClarkREPORT PROGRESS | Cambridge Tribune, Volume XXIX, Number 2, 10 March 1906
Interesting Speakers at Convention of the Woman’s Board of Missions, Suffolk Branch.
The _7th annual meeting of the Suffolk Branch of the Woman’! Hoard **r Missions was held in the First Church, Congregational, on Tuesday. The president, Mrs. Binily L. McLaughlin, ol Kaxbury, presided. The .morning sessi.m opened at 10 o’clock with devotional exercises, after which Mrs. J. Frederick Hill, „f this olty, extended a welcome. The minutes of the last meeting were read hy Mrs. William I. Hill, mid the report of the honie secretary was pre-? sen ted hy Miss Harriet A. Hardy, of Boston, The former secretary, Miss Mary P. Jones, who hail served in this capacity tor the part 17 years, resigned three months ago, owing 10 change of residence, Mrs. Arthur .Stanley has) been elected foreign secretary to fill | the vacancy caused by the death of Mrs. William I. Snow, who was a charter member. it was reported that the auxiliaries of j Suffolk branch gfve evidence of growth and increased interest. Two branches have been renrgailzed, one In Berkeley Temple* Boston, and one In West Somervllle. The treasurer. Miss Mary L. Pelkcy, of this city, reported that the Suffolk Branch has paid into the treasury ofl the Woman’s Board $16,71:’, an advance of $30t> over the amount received last year in contributions. The district sec-| retaries read their reports. Miss Kate Q. L-amson, foreign secretary of the’ board, spoke concerning „Hidden Messengers,’.’ her thought being that seeming calamities, like the Boxer uprising in China, in 1900, prove to’ be blessings in disguise, not ultimately hindering, but helping ihe. progress of missions. The report of foreign work was read by Miss Jennie B, Buck, of Chel-j sea. and of pledged work hy Mrs. Prank O. Perrin, of RoXbury. „The Quiet Hour“was conducted by Mrs. Charles’ M. Lamsnn, editor of „Life and Light for Women.’.’ A memorial service was held, in commemoration of -the .president of the board, .the late Mrs. Judson Smith’, of lloxbury. These missionaries arc supported by Suffolk Branch: Mrs. Annie M. Fay, Hailundu, West Africa; Miss Elizabeth Clark, Soiia. Bulgaria; Miss Isabella F. .Dodd, Constantinople; Miss Mary W. Patrick, I’, Constantinople; .Miss Adelaide s. Dwlght, Cesarea, West! Turkey; .Miss Laura F.irnlintn. Ada-1 bazar, Wes} Turkey; Miss Harriet O. Powers, Hr’ousa, West Turkey] MLs Mary 10. Kinney, Adahazar. West Turkey; Miss Mary L. Daniels, Harpoot, East Turkey; Mrs. Mary B, Bissell,. Ahmednagar, India; Miss’ Caroline E. j Frost, Zulu Mission; Miss Bessie It.! Noyes, Madura, India; Miss Mary T.I Noyes, Madura. India; Miss Elsie W.I (iarrettson, Fooehow, China; Miss Lucy E. I’ase, Osaka) Japan; Miss J. Jl. Del Forest, Seridal, Japan; Miss Helen Winger, Madrid, Spain; Miss Belle Nugent, Ahmednagar, India. Supported, In part, an- lir. Harriet Q. Parker, Madura, India; -Miss Alible il. t’hapln. Tung-Clio, China; MlssiGert-i-n,I.■ 10. Hance. Other pledged work Is 3.“* Bible women. 20 scholarships, 3 native teachers, :i boarding schools, 17 day and kindergarten schools, rent of coffee house in Constantinople, hospital work in China and India, a share In missionary vessels, evangelistic and Sunday school work. Al Ihe afternoon session, which opened nt 2 o’clock, th*’ following officers were“elected; Mrs. Crank Wood, honorary president; Mrs. Emily _. Mclaughlin, president; Mrs. Oeorge W. Brooks. Mrs. 11. 11. I.eavlft. Mrs. W. A. Knight, Mrs. Oeorge F. Moore. Mrs. Nathaniel Creonc. Mrs. Frederick I!. Richards, Mrs. w. L. Greene, vice-presidents; Mrs. William P. Hill. 155 Sycamore street, Winter Bill, recording secretary; Miss Harriet A. Hardy, 130 si. Botolph street, Boston, h**me secretary; Miss Mary L. Pelkcy, 80 Mount Pleasant street, treasurer; Mrs. , Frank Perrin, 27 Lands**!- street, West Roxbury, secretary of pledge work: Miss Jennie B. Buck, Miss Mary Tucker, Miss Arthur Stanley, foreign secretaries. Secretaries **f departments are Lillian B. N’eale. M.D., 15.Y7 P.oylston s’ri’i-t. Boston, yoiing woman’s work; Miss Annie C. Strong, 3V7 Central street, Aubiirnilale. Christian Endeavor societies; Mrs. Edward S. Tend, si Aldersey street. Somervllle, mission circles: Mrs. s. b. Shaplelgh, Allston Heights, cradle rolls: Miss Lucy X. Hawes, 27 Blver street, this city. Sunday school w-ork. Tlie board of managers Is Dr. L. C. Purinjrton, Mrs. Oeorge W. Barnes. Miss Mabel B. Pratt. Mrs. Oeorge E. Browne. Mrs. J. C. Lane. Mrs. Alpine Mi-Lean. Mrs. Eugene B. Floyd. Mrs. O. A. Brown, Miss Florence Nickorson, Miss Eleanor Fales, Mrs. W. D. Cnrver, Miss Mary P. Jones. Mrs. W. H. Wytr.nn. The reports of departments wore given as follows: Young wo man’s work. Dr. Lillian R. Neale; mission circles, Mrs. Edward M. Tead: work with C. X societies, Miss Annie C. Strong; cradle rolls. Mrs. S. B. Shaplelgh; work with Sunday schools. Miss Lucy X. Hawes. Miss L. X. Hawes. of this city, rej ported the last year as the first in which there had been w-ork with Sunday schools and hence It has been a year of foundation-laying and of seedsowing. More than $300 has been raised from twenty-five contributing schools* Mrs. S. B. Shaplelgh, of Allston, reported thirty „cradle rolls,“ three new ones, an enrolment of 1.139 children and a collection amounting to $274. Two features were not on the programme, one a missionary address by Miss Bessie B. Noyes. one of eighteen missionaries supported by Suffolk Branch. In West Africa, Bulgaria, Constantinople. Eastern and Western Turkey. India, Chlnn. Japan and Spain. Another feature was the introduction of Miss Clementine Butler and her aged mother, who are Methodists. Mrs. Butler went ns a missionary In Mexico, fifty years aco. miss Butler Is secretary of the central committee on „United Study.“ of the Womnn’s Missionary Societies of different denominations. Mrs .1. D. Davis, of Kyoto. Japan, who has been a missionary in Japan for a full generation, delivered nn address on missionary work in thnt empire. She said Japan had lost faith In her old religions, but temples nnd old custom“ remain Japan today Is wide open to Christian work A famine In three provinces gives another opportunity to Christian America lo help mnterlnlly nnd spiritually, Lnrge rifts hnve already gone over to help the starving, bi’it not enough for the need. i t,nr*e gifts hnve been sent over to those who are spiritually .famishing durlne thee last years and our very successes have made more gifts neoo**>n rv. An Address followed by Rev. A. Z. Conrad, D.D. pastor of Park Street Church, on „The Advancing Klnedom “ ‘ Spiritual Imperialism I sl the nltlmnte Objective In missionary effort, he said and ‘he characteristics of Christ’s kingdom are power, pre-eminence nnd permanency. He asserted that the whole | principle of university settlement work Is curried out In foreign missionary enterprise -Never.“ he declared, „have so large n number of men nnd women In America, highly educated
and cultivated, offered themselves for this service of promulgating the doctrines (if (iui- Christian faith as now. The very choicest spirits in the colleges, by the score, are asking only for tinop j-ortun ity—freely and unhesitatingly they offer themselves for a life’s service, and rejoice when the privilege is accorded them of becoming the messengers of the Christ The time was when it was difficult to secure those adapted and capable of truly representing the religion of Jesus. That is not so today. The student volunteer movement revealed a wealth of consecrated life, ready for service or sacriiice. which surprised and astonished the Christian world. „The young people of the Christiau world in the great endeavor movement have wonderfully augmented th * stream of spiritual intluence which is flowing Into the desert places of thj earth. The foreign missionary ehurc’i is always the live church, and the vitality is usually proportionate to th’ 3 zeal manifested In communicating th i message of salvation to distant peoples. The inspirational value of missions Is incalculably gTont. The achievements of faith in foreign lands have done more to strengthen faith in our own than any other thing. The efficacy of the Word of God to transform lives increases faith in its intluence at home. We are led to great undertakings through the impulse and Inspiration of recorded achievements of the cross In distant lands.“ ‘ An address on „The Missionary Motive“ was delivered by Row E. M. Noyes. of Newton, a member of tin* prudential’ committee of the American Hoard, who said if the Christian Church Is a, living organism It must he a missionary church. When It ceases to 1 be such, death has begun. Missions do not need any argument. They are a necessity to the life of the church. It is for the reproducing of the life of Christ among men as far and as widely as possible that the church exists. „No wonder our universities are beginning to establish professorships of missions, and that a* great church like Dr. Campbell Morgan’s votes to give one-tenth of its income and one Sunday a month to the work of foreign evangelization.“ said Mr. Noyes, in closing.
