Marco N. Popoff
Марко Попов, който е роден 1863 г. и е починал 1938 година. Бил е пастир на Софийската църква.. Знам, че има двама сина Единият умира като дете . Единиат му син е живял в САЩ, а другият живееше в София. Познвам го добре. Той има двама сина. Единият умира като дете. Другият живее в София и се оженва за дъщерята на пастир Бозовайски. Сега живеят в Щатите с две деца – син и дъщеря и не искат да имат никсинакъв контакт с България. Най-млад брат на Марко Попов е Герасим Попов и той също е бил Пастир. Роден е в 1880 г и починал 1968. Децата му са прекъснали всякаква връзка с църквата. Единият му син е женен за Леда Милева. Внучкатоа му е поварвала , но със семейството си живее в Хърватско….
George Nikola Popoff, a younger brother of Rev. Marco Nikola Popoff, ’00, was born in Bansko, Macedonia, July 16, 1867. His boyhood was passed at home, and at the age of sixteen he was converted to the Protestant faith. Soon after he entered the government industrial school at Sophia, in Bulgaria. Anxious for a higher education, he came to America in 1885, and, at his brother’s suggestion, entered the State Normal School at Fredonia. Here he found generous friends who gave him sympathy and substantial aid in his preparation for college. He was admitted to the Freshman class in 1889, and by heroic persevering efforts reached the goal of graduation. He entered Lane Theological Seminary in September, 1893. His work in the seminary was interrupted by a pulmonary trouble. He spent a year in Florida and North Carolina, and died at Asheville, N. C, October 8, 1805, aged 28 years and three months.
A life of rich promise was closed by the early death of Mr. Popoff. He was faithful to a high ideal of Christian character. During his closing days he was grateful for substantial tokens of sympathy from Christian friends both at the north and the south.