Cambridge Chronicle, 10 March 1923 The service was thoroughly enjoyable to an audience that filled the edifice. At the North Congregational church Sunday morning the congregation was favored with an address by Rev. D. N. Furnajieff. pastor of a self-supporting Congregational church in Sofia, Bulgaria, and president of the Bulgarian Evangelical society. The speaker is […]
Category: Личности
Rev.J.F. Clarke, D.D. at the North Avenue Baptist Church – 1896
Cambridge Chronicle, 1 February 1896 Sunday,evening Rev. J. F. Clarke, D. D.. will deliver an address in the North Avenue Baptist church on the work among the Bulgarian Turks. Dr. Clarke was actively engaged In the relief work during the massacres in Bulgaria, and witnessed scenes similar to those in Armenia nt the present time. […]
VATRALSKY at the FIRST CHURCH (Congregational) – 1901
(Congregational); Garden Street. Tomorrow night, at 7.;t0, in the chap**!. Dr. Wilfred T. Grenfell. tho medic*) missionary to the deep-sea tlshermen of the Labrador coast, will tell of some of his thrilling experiences on the sea, and will show colored views beautifully illustrating tho life and scenes where he has Leon working. Tho weekly church-meeting, […]
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