Каталог на книгите в Библиотека „Стоян К. Ватралски“

Библиотека „Стоян К. Ватралски“ Български бранител Библиотека Ст. Ватралски известява, че са излезли от печат и се пускат в продажба всички творения на известния писател, поет и общественик Ст. К. Ватралски. В нея всеки може да намери нещо полезно за себе си, понеже това са книги не само за художествен прочит, но и за вдълбочаване […]

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Dr. C. P. Balabanoff of Bulgaria (1888)

Seventy-third Anniversary of the Shepard Sunday-School. The seventy-third anniversary of the Shepard Sunday-school was held last Sunday afternoon, in the church, which was handsomely decked with flowers for the occasion. At the entrance to each pew occupied by one of the classes. hung a dainty floral basket in which was placed the contribution for the […]

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The era of the lion and lamb has come in Bulgaria – 1878

Cambridge Chronicle, Volume XXXIII, Number 1, 5 January 1878 —Duties are ours, events are God’s. —The era of the lion and lamb has come in Bulgaria. The Turks and Russians lam each other, and the correspondents do the lyin’. —There are two things which double up a man with startling rapidity, the misery of an […]

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