clarkeWoman’s Board of Missions | Cambridge Tribune, Volume XXV, Number 52, 28 February 1903
Tuesday, the twenty-fourth annual meeting of the Suffolk Branch, Woman’s Board of Missions, will be held In the North Avenue Congregational Church, with sessions at 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. The morning exercises will open with singing, followed by scripture; prayer by Mrs. Frank Foxcroft; welcome, Mrs. Charles Bonney; response. Mrs. G. W. Brooks; reports of the home secretary. Miss Mary P. Jones; of the treasurer. Miss Myra B. Child, and of auxiliary districts; report of foreign work, Mrs. William P. Hill, and addres by Miss Alice M. Kyle, field secretary. Woman’s Board of Missions. In the afternoon the programme will consist of election of officers and of delegates and substitutes; prayer, Mrs. Judson Smith, president. Woman’s Board of Missions; report of cradle roll, Mrs. E. H. Allen, secretary; report of children’s work, Mrs. Edward S. Tead. secretary; report of work among C. E. societies. Miss Annie C. Strong, secretary; address by William F. Whlttemore, member of the deputation to India; report of the young women’s work. Mrs. Charles M. Lamson, secretary: address by Mrs. Frank E. Clark; prayer. Mrs. E. L. McLaughlin. During the year contributions of Suffolk Branch to the Woman’s Board of Missions were $16,94″. The sum asked for during the year Is $20,000. Following are the missionaries supported by Suffolk Branch: Mrs. Annie M. Fay.Ballundu,West Central Africa; Miss Ellen M. Stone, Bulgaria; Miss Elizabeth C. Clark, Sofia, Turkey; Miss Isabel F. Dodd. Dr. Mary W. Patrick, and Miss Harriet G. Powers. American College, Constantinople; Miss Laura Farnham and Miss Mary E. Kinney. Adabazar, Turkey; Miss Susan D. Rlggs, Marsovan, Turkey; Mrs. Mary E. Blssell, Ahmednagar, India; Mrs. S. E. De Forest, Sendal, India; Miss Belle Nugent, Ahmednagar, India; Miss Bessie B. Noyes and Miss Mary T. Noyes, Madura. India; Miss Elsie M. Garretson. Foochow. China; Miss Clara L. Brown. Niigata, Japan; Miss Lucy E. Case, Osaka, Japan; Dr. Rose A. Bower, SakanJlmba, West Central Africa: Miss Caroline E. Frost. Umzumbe, Zulu Mission.
