churchesThe Churches | Cambridge Chronicle, Volume XLVIII, Number 8, 25 February 1893
In the absence of Rev Fr Flatley In the South, Key M. J. Doody Is iv charge of St Peter’s parish, Concord avenue. On Wednesday evenings during Lenta sermon and benediction are held at Ht. Peter’s church, Concord avenue, tbe sermons being preached by visiting clergymen. On Friday evenings is beld the devotion of the way of the cross. All these services begin at 7.45. Rev X. M. T-tylor, of Charlestown, an eloquent preacher, will till the pulpit of the Epworth church tomorrow at 10.30, and Rev W. N . Brodbeck, I) D. of Brookline, will prench at a special service at 3 o’clock. In the evening at 730, the pastor will preach on „How the Kpworlh Chnrch was Built.“

The Bulgarian student, Mr Stoyan X. VatraNkv, is to lecture tomorrow evening nt 7 30, in the dm pel of the Shepard Memorial Church, on „My Kxperieiice of Religious Life in Bulgaria.“ At the close: of his address he will sing a hymn in Bui- ‘ garian. It is a noteworthy fact, by t he way, that MrVatralsky is the Hrst student of his nationality that ever studied at Harvard University. He is 32 year* of age and bas been in America eight year*. „The of all I,eeds“ will be the Biibjcct of the sermon tomorrow morning at t he church of t he New Jerusalem. In the evening the subject of the Itclure will be „Office of the Church.“ The services tomorrow at ChrNt Church will lie as follows: Holy Communion, j 730; Matins, 1030, with sermon by Rev W. B. King; lx’.ture on Prayer Book, ‘2.30; I Sunday School, 3; Women. Bible Class, I; Evensong, 7.30, with .ermou by Hey Alfred Nloiaull..