YMCAY. W. C. A. | Cambridge Tribune, Volume XVII, Number 6, 14 April 1894

Saturday evening the young Indies’ prayer Meeting at 7.15 o’clock. Bible study at 7.45 o’clock. Mrs. Carlos L. Page leads the meeting at 4.30 o’clock Sunday afternoon. Subject: „How antl Why Should We I’ray?“ President’s Bible hour Monday at 3 o’clock. Subject I „The New Birth antl Union with Christ.“ Monday at 7.45 >)’clock current events. About fourteen members are enrolled in the class in current events and excellent paper! were given lasl Monday evening on „Bimetalism.“ Millinery pupils are busy with Mrs. Arey on Wednesday evening. A new term of physical culture opened April 11, as the preceding Wednesday evening was unfavorable on account ol the storm. This class is showing excellent progress in the development of healthful bodies. Mr. V.ttralsky entertained his listeners with much that was pleasant. Instructive antl illustrative concerning Bulgaria, It Is hoped he may at some future lime again visit the association in a similar way.
