prospectTHE CHURCHES | Cambridge Chronicle, 3 March 1923
PROSPECT CONGREGATIONAL Rev. W. M. Macnalr, pastor; Frank D. Meade, supt. of the S. 8. Sunday morning at 10:30, preaching with sacrament of the Lord’s supper and reception of new members. Tho Sunday school meets at 12 o’clock. The young people meet at 6:30. At 7:30 a speaker from Bulgaria will tell of experiences In the Balkans. Pr. D. N. Furnajieff is a graduate of an American college and the leader of Christian work In Bulgaria. —Next Friday evening at 7:45, prayer meeting, subject, „The Ministry of Love“, Mark 7-9. —The Woman’s guild holds Its monthly luncheon next Wednesday at 1 o’clock, followed by a missionary conference and pageant.