vatraThere is a Bulgarian student In the university whose career ia unusual enough to be interesting. I refer to Mr Stoyan X. Vatralsky, who is in attendance at Harvard as a’first year special student. He is thirty-seven years of age and has heen In America two years. He lives in Hhamakous, Bulgaria, where he attended the American Missionary college for four years. On coming to America he entered the Wei-1 Jersey academy in Bridgetown. New Jersey, where he devoted most of his time to the study of Knglish. He graduated In the theological course at Harvard University In IHBB. He has since that time given much of his time to public lecturing, choosing his topics mainly from his knowledge of Bulgarian life and customs. He is also an acceptable writer for magarines and tbe periodical press, contributing articles of the same general matter as his lectures. At Harvard, Mr Vatralsky is studying the clasrics and subjects of a political and social nature. He is versed In old Slavic, Servian and Prussian as well as in Knglish and Bulgarian, is a delightful conversationalist, nnd has already made many friends by his genial manners and plucky record.
