18Cambridge Chronicle, 10 March 1906
There were two features not down on the program, a missionary address by Miss Bessie B. Noyes, a missionary of Suffolk branch In India. Mlsa Noyes Is one of 18 missionaries supported by Suffolk branch In West Africa, Bulgaria, Cons antlnople, E—stent and Western Turkey, India, China, Japan and Spain. Three additional missionaries In three of these countries are supported In part by ths branch. Another feature was ths in traduction of Miss Clementina, Butler and her aged mother. They are Methodists. Mrs. Butler went as a missionary ƒ— Mexico, 50 years ago. Miss Butler is secretary of the central committee on „United Study,“ of the Woman’s Missionary societies of different denomina tons. Mm J. D. Davis, of Kyoto, Japan, Who has born a missionary In Japan for a> full generation, delivered an address on missionary work tn that empire, and especially In connection with the lato war with Russia. An address was delivered by Rev. A. —. Conrad. D. D., pastor of Park Street church, on „The Advancing Kingdom.“ He stated that spiritual Imperialism Is the ultimate objective tn missionary effort, and that the characteristics of Christ’s kingdom as Christ Himself conceived were power, jrv-emlnence and permanency. He asserted that the whole principle of university settlement work Is carried out In foreign missionary enterprise. An address on „The Mlss’on—ry Motive“ was delivered by Rev. I. M. Noyes, of Newton, a member of tho prudential committee of the American Board.